Construction Management and Supervision Services for the delivery and installation of kitset building packages funded under the Australian Support for Basic and Secondary Education in Papua New Guinea, 2010 – 2016 Program
Charles Kendall & Partners (CKP) / Health & Education Procurement Facilities (HEPF) were appointed by AusAID to provide Procurement Specialist Services to the Education Service Provision Facility for the Australian Support for Basic and Secondary Education in Papua New Guinea, 2010–2016 Program. The school infrastructure program covers rehabilitation works and new construction of school classrooms, teacher houses, ablution facilities, supply and delivery of school furniture and related services. CKP procured Kit package comprising kitset double classroom, teachers’ house and ablution facility for 210 schools located in 17 provinces throughout PNG and contracted builders to deliver and erect the kits. The project was let as nine separate contracts.
- The management and supervision services for the delivery, installation and related construction works of kits building packages provided and erected by PNG builders.
- Performing the services of a “Construction Supervision Engineer” during the entire duration of the delivery, installation and related construction activities of school kit-sets by ensuring appropriate scheduling, supervision, documentation, change order negotiations, and other activities as required