Expansion & Renovation of Vocational Training Centres (1998-1999)
This World Bank funded project renovated, expanded and generally improved 8 Vocational Training Centres located throughout Yemen to bring them in line with international standards. A&L was contracted by SMEC International to provide specialist architectural design and planning advice to the project, which included renovation of existing facilities as well as new administration buildings, classrooms and large-span training workshops for the full complement of construction and automotive trades.
Alexander & Lloyd Australia Pty Ltd undertook an intensive in country assessment of the existing sites, which included an evaluation of existing buildings and preparation of an implementation plan. This was included in a Project Inception Report which also included site master plans, new building designs and a fully prioritised repair program for the existing buildings.
A&L provided site assessment and full architectural input to the project including detailed designs for all sites, in-country supervision of tender documentation and arrangement of local tendering in a series of packages. A&L was also engaged to oversee the contract administration process and provide advice on curricula and procurement of equipment.